Want To Be Loved

Satish couldn't believe what just happened. He had never been asked for his number by a stranger before, let alone a handsome young man like Harsh. He felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as he went about his work, replaying the brief interaction in his head.

As the night wore on, the bar slowly emptied out, until Satish was left alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder why Harsh had asked for his number. Was he just being friendly, or was there something more? And if there was, what did that mean for Satish, a man who had never even considered dating another man before?

Despite the late hour, Satish found himself unable to sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to push thoughts of Harsh out of his head. But the more he tried to forget, the more his mind raced with possibilities.

The next morning, Satish woke up feeling exhausted and anxious. He knew he had to go to the bar, but the thought of seeing Harsh again made his stomach turn. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, reminding himself that he was a grown man who could handle whatever came his way.

He walked out of his room leisurely when he heard Amaira shouting at someone over the phone. He quickly went to her room and saw her standing beside the window shouting on the phone.

"You bastard! Don't you dare to call me 'Baby' again. This is the end. Don't you ever try to come near me or I'll make sure to pluck your eyes out and break your limbs."

With that she hung up the call.

"Whoa, calm down Amaira." Satish rubbed her back. As she was huffing really hard.

"I can't. That bastard dared to call me after all that happened last night. He literally said that I am an overwhelming adult and I can't even handle him. I am unworthy and unloved. Like bitch, as if he knows life better than me. And today in the morning he called and said that he was drunk and all that shit he said yesterday was nothing but a drunk talk. Like he want me to believe that dumb shit? I very much knew that he was with me because of my money and also he was cheating with this young girl. Whoa! Really, I want to beat him to a pulp."

Satish listened to her without saying anything because he knew that what she was saying were all true facts. Her boyfriends stayed with her because she provided them with everything they need.

After her divorce she was so broken that she went into depression and her child refused to meet her. She has a ten year old boy. She tried filing many cases for the custody of her child but her child straight up came to her house and told her to stop trying because if he ended up with her he would hate her forever. Out of fear of being hate by her own child she stepped back.

After that everyone in her and her husband's family seemed to cut ties with her. The only family and friend she was left with was Satish. He was with her all through her hardships because he know how hard it is to lost someone dear to the heart because he too lost a loved one.

From then on she started to find some love from someone other than Satish. That is why she had so many boyfriends. Maybe like 3 boyfriends every month.

Satish tried to stop her from doing this because ultimately she would get hurt because none of the boyfriends would stay with a divorced lady. He feels bad for her. But deep down he also wishes that she could find someone who would love her true self and not her money.

"It still early and today is the weekend. You know right what you have to do?" Satish said lightening up the mood.

"Oh right, I have to work at your bar today. But I have so many work." She said.

"I don't care. You said you would help me out on the weekends. I can't manage all the customers, you know that right? Don't give me excuses. I know very well that you hand over all your works to your assistant on the weekends to hang out with your lovers."

"Ahhhh! Why would you mention that?" She pouted.

"Don't give me that look. Don't you feel bad for your assistant. Poor girl she has to work even on the weekends. Are you really the CEO? Sometimes I really believe that your assistant might do a better job being the CEO."

"What? You traitor. You should support me."

"No I can't. Not with your behavior. Call that girl today at the bar. She needs to rest. You can do your work later."


"Nope...no buts. Get some sleep. It's still early in the morning. I have to go and open the café."

Amaira huffed as her friend leave. He always has the upper hand in their relationship and nobody can deny it.

When he arrived at the café near the bar, Satish was surprised to find Harsh standing. He felt a mix of excitement and dread as he approached the younger man.

"Hey," Harsh said, smiling at him. "How are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm...I'm good," Satish replied, feeling a little tongue-tied. "This is the café that I own."

"Really? How many building do you own by far?"

"This is my own building. I bought it three years ago."

"Wow. By the way this is the only café that sells the coffee I love. So, I come here everyday."

"I see. That's good."

"I think it's fate." Harsh's sudden remark made Satish choke on his own saliva. "Ah..ha..ha"he let out an awkward laugh.

"Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? Maybe grab a drink or something?"

Satish felt his heart racing in his chest. He had never been asked out on a date before, let alone by a man. But something in Harsh's eyes made him feel safe and wanted. He never felt like this in years.

"Uh, yeah, sure," he said, feeling a little shaky.

"Great," Harsh said, grinning. "How about tonight? There's this new rooftop bar that just opened up, I heard it's really nice."

"Um, not today. Today is a hectic day for all the employees and me. The bar will be full and I have to be there."

"Then...when are you free?"

"I am free from morning till evening and I can sneak out at night if you want me to."

"Great. Then I will text you."

Satish nodded, feeling like he was in a dream. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him, that he was actually going on a date with a man.

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Anuska Barman

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