
The night at the bar was too crowded, because it was weekend. Everyone got free time after work. Amaira and one employee named Rahul together took orders from the customers and served drinks. Satish took over the counter with another female employee Riya. The other two employees Sam and Mina took over the front desk welcoming the customers.

Total four employees and two best friends Satish and Amaira had to work hard.

Today's theme was R&B so, a well known online singer Shridhar Kashyap came to sing. When he started singing the club went silent and all the customers settle down in the bar with their drinks, that is when everyone gathered around the counter to rest for sometime. Except Sam and Mina because they had to be in the front desk for the new customers.

"Whoaa! So hectic! I can't stand. My legs are numb. When will they go home?" Amaira whined.

"Hey! Don't say like that they are my customers."

"Eyeyeyeyey." Amaira teased Satish.

"You're so lazy and dumb you know."

"I know that and I am proud of it."

"Wow...great...you're really great. I really can't win against you. Forget it, I'm not in the mood to argue with you anymore." Satish said irritatingly as his friend scoffed.

"You two are really amazing soulmates. You're really made fir each other." Rahul said.

"I know right." Amaira beamed.

"No, I don't think so." Satish denied.

"Fuck you."

"Language Amaira."

Bleh* Amaira stuck her tongue out at Satish. He just shake his head laughing at her.

While they were busy laughing and talking, Satish suddenly noticed a figure on the left corner watching them. It took him a few seconds to realize that the person was none other than Harsh.

When Harsh noticed that he saw him he walked towards the counter.

Seeing him walking towards him Satish's heartbeat went fast. He felt his ears burning. Harsh wore a black shirt and rolled up his sleeves, with his hand tattoos exposed. Satish did not noticed his tattoos the day before, but seeing him today with that look made his heart go bounce in his chest and his stomach having butterflies dancing around. He never felt like before.

"Hi, Satish." Harsh greeted.

"H...h...hi." Satish stammered and immediately Amaira gave him a sheepish look.

"Don't even start." Satish whisper yelled at Amaira. He knew she would say something crap to make him embarrassed.

"Guys, this is Harsh, he is twenty-five and a fashion designer. And Amaira he helped me picked you up to my apartment yesterday." He introduced him to everyone. "Harsh, this is Amaira, they are my employees Rahul and Riya."

"Oh hi!" Harsh greeted them too.

"Hello, handsome man, thank you for helping ,best friend yesterday. Anyway it seems like you already exchanged numbers. Right?" Amaira asked.

"Yes, I got his number. But, he doesn't know my number yet."


"Well, I am waiting for him to ask my number."

"Damn!" Everyone including Amaira and the other two employees exclaimed in unison.

"Hey, dumbass." Amaira called out Satish. "Give him your number will you? He is waiting for you to make a move and here you are acting dumb being the older guy."

Satish could not say anything. He was in a blushing mess. Harsh just smiled at his cuteness and then brought forward his phone in front of him.

He was so shy that he covered his face with his palm.

"Don't hide your face like that. You're not in the age of blushing like that. Give your number quickly." Amaira slapped his shoulder.

Satish looked at her with a pitiful look.

"Hurry." She scolded.

Seeing no chance to escape he took Harsh's phone and typed his number.

Harsh looked happy getting his number. He immediately saved his number as "Mister Handsome". Amaira noticed it.

"Uh-huh, 'Mister Handsome". Well, yes Satish is HANDSOME." She emphasized the word handsome to tease them.

Satish could not dare to look at Harsh. He knew if he looked at him he would blush like hell and would definitely embarrass himself. Then this would give Amaira a chance to tease him for a lifetime.

Amaira noticed the romantic sparks flying between them. So, she decided to give them some time alone for a talk.

"Hey guys, Rahul and Riya. Let's go somewhere else. Let's give the new lovers a chance to get to know themselves."

"Yes, yes...let's go sister." They both agreed.

"Guys...Amajra...don't..." Satish tried to stop them but Amaira ignored.

"And you Harsh, don't do anything other than talking okay?" She even threatened Harsh.

"Don't worry Amaira, we won't do anything other than talking."

"Amaira." Satish whisper yelled at her.

"What? I said nothing wrong. Enjoy your time, bye." With that she left the scene.

After they went away Harsh sat down in front of Satish.

"So?" Harsh started.

"So what?"

"Did you thought of anything to do on our first date?" He asked directly.

"Wh...what?" Satish got flustered. He won't deny the fact that one time he thought of Harsh asking him out as a date, though he didn't let himself get further. But, now that Harsh directly mentioned the word date, he was a little shocked and flustered.

"Um...no...nothing actually." He answered.

"It's okay if you didn't thought of anything. With me you'll enjoy every moment and I'll make sure of that." Harsh said proudly and flushed a smile.

Satish calmed down his heart and decided to trust him.

On the other side Amaira watched her best friend blushing and all, she felt happy. She smiled fondly at him and thought, 'You deserve to be loved too. Now it's time to let go of your past Satish. All the best.'

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Anuska Barman

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